The Ministry of Health funds disability support services through Disability Support Services (DSS) for people with a physical, intellectual or sensory disability (or a combination of these) that is likely to continue for a minimum of six months and result in a reduction of independent function to the extent that ongoing support is required.
The Ministry of Health funds services for disabled people under the age of 65 years, with the exception of equipment and modification services which it funds for all age groups. Disability support services for people aged 65 years and over, or those with mental health needs, are funded by District Health Boards.
A number of other government agencies such as the Ministries of Social Development and Education, and the Accident Compensation Corporation also fund or provide support services for disabled people. There are also a range of community organisations both national and regional that provide support services.
DSS-funded services are accessed through NASC organisations. These organisations are contracted by DSS to determine disabled people’s eligibility for Ministry of Health funded disability support services. They work with disabled people to identify their disability support needs. They then outline what DSS-funded services are available and coordinate the provision of these to the person (see NASC factsheet).
The main way the Ministry of Health monitors the quality of services is through our contract management process. A part of this involves regular auditing of the provider. Auditing provides an independent overview of an organisation and identifies those areas that require further development. A routine audit evaluates the ability of the contracted organisation to provide a service. An issues-based audit usually results from ongoing complaints about the service a provider is delivering.
If the complaint is about a service that is being provided then in the first instance you would contact the organisation that is providing the service. All organisations should have a complaints process in place.
Alternatively you can contact the Health and Disability Commissioner on Freephone 0800 11 22 33 or online at, or via the Health and Disability Advocacy Service on Freephone 0800 555 050 or online at or via email
You can also contact your local Ministry of Health office or email Disability Support Services on or Freephone 0800 373 664 option 2.
You can look online under contact details at
or contact your local Disability Information Centre. Your doctor or health professional should also be able to tell you who your local NASC is.
There are a number of ways you can get information.